Saturday, September 8, 2012

Scenes from a Writer's Life...

A handful of memories...
(As it should be said)

"Scenes from a writer's life"
(A Book Review)
Recently, I read the book "The scenes from a writer's life" by Ruskin Bond. This is one of the most awaiting book written for those who have already read all the books written by him and wants to know more and more about Mr. Bond.

As many of his stories were raised from his day to day incidences mixed with unexpected fiction  The book is written in autobiographical words and describes the early struggling years of his life.
The young Ruskin in his
Bishop Cotton's School, Shimla

There are a number of beautiful and collective black and white images of Mr.Bond of his childhood, adolescence and and his parents, his aunts, uncle and his friends, in this book. 

While going through this book, I have lost in the era, when India had got it's independence and the British were leaving India. I have experienced that there is a type of restlessness in the writing of Mr. Bond in this book.

Normally a child is close to his mother but Mr. Bond was close to his father more than that of his mother. He has written a lot of things about his life in his hostel in Shimla, about the death of his father. 
The child Ruskin
and the last photograph of his father

Mr. Bond has written a number of beautiful rhymes, for example: on the matter of money, he has written-

"On the books and friend, I spend my money;
for the bricks and stones, I haven't any."  

On the matter of inspiration to young persons, he has written-

"Hold on to your dreams,
do not let them die.
We are lame without them,
birds that can not fly."

The child Ruskin with his sister

and you can not believe, he had written these lines when he was studying in his high school. There are certain funny incidences in this book. Like the incidence of "Stilbosterol". When he was suffering from acne and his face was covered with pimples, and the hostel doctor has prescribed him the female hormone pill. Actually the Doctor thought that the pimples were caused due to excess production of male hormone in his body. After taking these female hormone for a month and long, his nipples were enlarged, and certain harmful damage were appeared in his body.
Me....and Ruskin

Ruskin Bond feels affection for two books, from his childhood days, which he often read whenever he feels low. The books are, "The Diary of a Nobody" and "The Alice In Wonderland".

This book is full of humour and interesting incidences about the life of Ruskin Bond. I really enjoyed reading this book. In addition to this, the book is also useful for those aspiring authors, who has a dream to become  publish one day. Because such peoples have to face low feeling in their day to day life. 

This book is must read for all the Ruskin Bond lovers. And currently I am reading "The Lamp is Lit", the sequel of the autobiography of Ruskin Bond.

Jitendra Gupta..